History of an inventor and fighter for solar power

Starting my first lifetime on planet earth in Innsbruck - Tirol - Austria - Europe.

Chevalier Mösl Roland

Member of Accademia Universale
"Guglielmo Marconi"

Honorary Degree from
Communiny Association of
European Order of Merit (V.o.E.)

Linzergasse 27
A-5020 Salzburg
GSM Tel.: +43 699 17343674

Roland Mösl (17 kb)
1958-07-09 Starting my first lifetime on planet earth in Innsbruck - Tirol - Austria - Europe.
1981-01-18 Start working for SkiData Computer GmbH. First year in 6502 Assembler on an apple ][ computer. The rest on a Hewlett Packard 9816 with Motorola 68000 in Pascal.
1987-09-01 The idea for WING was born. WING was intended to be a very easy to use 4th generation programming language.

I was searching 4 month for venture capital with only 25 page concept about WING. I worked on the project until September 1991.

The investor saw Microsoft Access and Visual Basic and stoped the unfinished project.

1991-09-15 All the time working on WING, I dreamed from all the millions coming, but now I was still in my 25 m² apartment. I wanted to move to a larger apartment.

I did not find a new apartment, but I invented the GEMINI solar house.

1991-11-07 I needed 1987 with 25 total abstract pages about a new programming language 4 month to find an investor.

On this day I started the campaign to find the "Henry Ford of solar house age" with 32 pages and many graphics.

In the evening I turned the television on: An Austrian company had just lost 150 million $. At this moment, I knew that I had just lost 1 $ stamps for sending my first GEMINI information letter to this company.

World Innovation fair EUREKA in Brussels:

For me the title "Chevalier" and "Merite de l Invention" number 1155 and a gold medal for the GEMINI project.

I get the "Honorary Degree from Communiny Association of European Order of Merit (V.o.E.)" in the new European parliament.
Membership in the Accademia Universale "Guglielmo Marconi" with great honor for solar energy and normal honor for architecture.
1994-12-06 Twenty second computer animation about my GEMINI house in
the telecast "Mit der Kraft der Sonne" or "With the power of the sun"
in ORF Austrian Television.

I produced the computer animation with POV raytracer on my ESCOM Paradigma DX2/66 notebook.

Most spectators thought this is the weekend house from
Captain Kirk and not a project to save humanity from CO2 disaster.
The telecast was several times repeated, even in 3SAT.

1995-04-06 The gratis newspaper Salzburger Fenster writes one page about me and the GEMINI project. A photo at the article shows me with my Back Pack.
1996-09-21 Internet campaign starts by magetWEB over Highway 194 from Austrian Telecom. It was the best offer for Internet and 500 KB home page.
1996-11-25 Internet campaign gets a new dimension. Two MLM = Multi-Level Marketing systems are now implemented into the system to help PEGE.

1996-12-23 The cornerstone for a big business center is created:

1997-04-17 Virtual server pege.org

PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

Support for a better future
Please enhance PEGE's ability to lead humanity into solar age with your support.

Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  Inventor and innovator for a better future

Roland Mosl - the founder of Planetary Engineering Group Earth dedicated his life to new concepts and inventions in order to lead humanity to the age of solar energy

Brussels Eureka award 1155 for Solar Architecture Brussels Eureka award 1155 for Solar Architecture
Mosl Roland got this award for his extreme solar architecture solar house project ''GEMINI inhabited solar power plant''

European Order of Merit for Solar Architecture European Order of Merit for Solar Architecture
Mosl Roland got this award for his extreme solar architecture solar house project ''GEMINI inhabited solar power plant''

Member of Accademia Universale "Guglielmo Marconi"
Mosl Roland got this award for his extreme solar architecture solar house project ''GEMINI inhabited solar power plant''

          History of an inventor and fighter for solar power: Starting my first lifetime on planet earth in Innsbruck - Tirol - Austria - Europe. https://www.pege.org/roland/roland.htm