Wrong investion oil production
Briol from the IEA wishes that US$ 5.400.000.000.000 should be invested in the oil production. At the progress to replace oil by wind and solar, this would be a wrong investion.
Difference 2018
The prognosis for the crude oil production in 2018 is 63 million barrel per day. How much we pay for this, how hard we are hit by a recession, decides the politic today.
War economy: extreme increase of photovoltaic world production
From 2010 to 2014 radical increase of the photovoltaic world production with 200% per year until 1000 GW yearly production is reached, further extension with 10% per year.
Photovoltaic world production 50% yearly plus
This szenario shows until 2020 a 50% yearly increase of production and later of 20% per year. To avoid an oil crisis would be a more fast increase better.
Photovoltaic 30% yearly increase
Against the prognosis of the Energy Watch Group, reduction of the crude oil production to 39 million barrels a day in 2030, is a 30% increase of the photovoltaic world market not enough.