Alien development help policy

PEGI will not make a atmosphere sweep. When the atmosphere would be swept by a very advanced technology, humanity would get a heavy cultural shock

  1996-12-14 to alt.society.neutopia
  Re: PEP - Planetary Engineering Party

Schwann ( wrote in article
) "Mosl Roland" wrote:
) )PEP is the political part of PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
) )PEP - Planetary Engineering Party
) )claims 10% GNP for the quick and total change towards renewable energy
) )You have terrible problems on Your home planet Earth called
) )climate change, CO2 problem and limited fossil energy resources.
) )We have total new concepts behind our claim for 10% GNP:
) ) GEMINI inhabited solar power plant
) ) New targets in city planing
) etc
) you can quote us on an atmosphere sweep,
) we'll pay in gold.
Sorry: This would not work.

  1. You can not come every hundred year with the wish "we need a new atmosphere"
  2. Somebody so powerful to sweep the atmosphere can produce also gold by himself
  3. When the atmosphere would be swept by a very advanced technology, humanity would be shocked. It would be a cultural shock comparable to some primitive tribes seeing the first time all the technology from our society.

    See the decline of primitive tribes when they are confronted with advanced technology.

Out of this reason, PEGI - Planetary Engineering Groups Intergalactic will not sweep the atmosphere of Your home planet.

PEGI - Planetary Engineering Groups Intergalactic will send always only one development helper to a civilization in trouble.

The development helper is only allowed to show solutions strictly based on available technology from the civilization in trouble.

best regards

PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, striving to lead humanity into the solar age. A civilization has tasks that can be clearly recognized with the game theory of mathematics.

Support for a better future
Please enhance PEGE's ability to lead humanity into solar age with your support.

Archive of the PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Since 1991, a goal, but increasingly better ways to be able to implement this goal. The technology is getting better, the production of required technology is increasing.

  Best newsgroup postings from PEGE.ORG

A collection from the best usenet messages distributed by PEGE.ORG and founder Chevalier Mösl Roland

CO2 treaty dead on arrival
But humanity seems to be total brain washed, that solar energy is to expensive. So this opportnuity does not attract the attention, like their real value

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Usenet post 'Spam Cancel' notice for
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Re: Open letter to all Photovoltaic producers and merchants
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Open letter to all Photovoltaic producers and merchants
Let's talk about marketing. Do You really think, that You don't need marketing? Belief me, You need it even more than all the other types of business.

The one and only conspiracy against solar energy
Absolute ignorance, total ignorance, total dullness. Sorry, but it is nothing else. I have now 5 years experience in my fight for solar energy.

A Stellar Crusade: did anybody else
HIDEOUS without loosing one single starship? 1989 I was playing Stellar Crusade 2 weeks to win Game level HIDEOUS in many different records:

Homo multimind - the next step in evolution
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Difficult roll playing game in real world modus
It is usual that most civilizations get trouble at a certain point of development. In this situation PEGI sends per reincarnation a development helper to this planet

          Alien development help policy: PEGI will not make a atmosphere sweep. When the atmosphere would be swept by a very advanced technology, humanity would get a heavy cultural shock