Screenplay for a new television comedy seriesFight for the sun - The unbelievable adventures of an inventor. The best stories written live by Roland Mösl, a professional at experiencing the curiosities of lifeThe normal approach to create the screenplay for a SitCom series is to engage some screenwriters. I have invented a new method: Instead of writing, I am just experiencing the whole screenplay for a comedy series. To make it sure, that I do not forget any story, I put everything into my Mind2 database. I intend to put every week one more story on this page. Main index This is also one of the venture capital investment possibilities offered by PEGE. This is not only a possibility for a profitable venture capital investment. It's also a crusade to inform humanity about solar energy. Not only the few specialists already informed. This screenplay is the method to reach the broad majority of mankind with the message about the age of solar energy. |