The 1000 m² Civilization
More space for nature, more space for humans, stop wasting land through inefficient use, stop destroying nature for the nonsensically inefficient.
Example Germany
With 233 inhabitants per km², Germany is four times more densely populated than the world average. This is how the 1,000 m² society and 100% renewable energy works.
UBI - Universal basic income
UBI is becoming increasingly necessary, but is not compatible with the current system. Creating the foundations of a UBI compatible society.
No one should have to be afraid of big changes
Those who are afraid of their existence will vehemently oppose any change. We must therefore design a system where every loser of change becomes a winner.
UBI for self-supplying people
Rental apartment in San Francisco, electricity, fuel, food, craftsmen for repairs are all easily paid by the UBI. Free yourself from such excessive illusions.
Keeping the economy competitive
If the costs for housing, food and energy are very high, even enormously high wages are hardly enough to live on. A vicious circle of economic decline.
Video information evening Unken
Information evening on the planned first GEMINI next generation model settlement in Unken on February 6, 2020.
The video is only in German.
From the factory for the first tests
A green venture capitalist has invested in the project. Now it's a matter of proving the concept. The first devices for it are being shipped at the factory right now.
2020 First round of financing for proof of concept
Conventional technology on a conventional scale at conventional prices certainly never. Everything must become better and, above all, cheaper, nothing must be left out.
Climate Protection Superiority House CPSH
An enduring civilization with respect and space for nature requires that housing, energy production and food production be combined in a space-saving way.
EMVO Novi electric scooter test
After a long break again an electric scooter test. A lot has changed since the last test. Here the EMCO Novi after a few weeks of testing.
2020 newsletter directory
Newsletter of PEGE in the year 2020