2008 The bungle of politics by inaction
The oil price increased January in a very short time to $100. The inaction of the politicians is saddening, because it's goes about our standard of living.
Ostrich policy
The oil price jumps in a few month from $70 to $100, the Energy Watch Group dates peak oil to 2006 and our irresponsible politicians put the head in the sand.
Fossil energy means recession
The decrease of the oil price in the last days proofs: fossil energy means recession. A growth of the world economy is only with renewable energy possible.
When will be electric power from natural gas twice as expensive as solar
Solar electric power is cheaper than Diesel, but look on the streets, what is driving there? It can be only called a complete failure of politics and economy.
Oil production becomes a roulette game
The extrem fast declining oil price damages the oil industry much more, than $180 oil price. Investments in costly explorations became extrem risky.
Stock market crisis
There are political streams believing that the stock market will solve all problems of mankind. But how can a stable full of disturbed chickens cause something positive?
Comments about politics in Germany 2008
In total misevaluation of the situation is nothing performed to maintain the economy. Instead of this, sales promotion for the German car industry.
Sepp Daxenberger
Green party conference June 2008 in Augsburg. In front of the congress hall is an electric scooter tested. Video (4,5 MB) from the first impressions of the Bavarian green party leader.
Conjuncture program for Germany
Economy should grow, but in what direction? The consume should increase, but from what? Proposal from PEGE for a targeted conjuncture program for more living standard.
The sinking of Titanic - peak oil and climate disaster
A study of the sinking of the Titanic shows staggering parallelism with our current situation with peak oil and climate change.
Oil exit
Take demand pressure out of the oil market, slow down the increase of the oil price, more is at -4% less oil production per year short-term not possible. Change to a world without crude oil.
Being poor is expensive
Because of lack of trust from the bank, a poor can not finance profitable improvements and has to spent excessively money for obsolete technology.