2008 the countdown for electric mobility runs
A revolution is coming as significant as the change from horse cabs to cars. How can we accelerate the countdown to electric mobility?
Loses the fuel cell against the Methanol engine
There is a dfifference between sending some huamns to the moon or to develop a car for a sales woman with 1000.-EUR minimum wage. A cost anaylsis of the fuel cell.
Prices at fuels turn over
From 1988 to 2018 in only 30 years is a complete turn over of the prices at fuels for cars. Numbers based on German prices and solar radiation.
Energy efficiency of cars
Compare of different propulsion systems in the same car, ICE internal combustion engine vs electric power from fuel, coal to liquid, bimass, wind energy, solar energy.
News about car, traffic and mobility 2008
Comments, background information and calculations daily acutal to messages around car, traffic and mobility.
From where the electricity for plug-in hybrid and electric cars
In an actual press release is the question, from where comes the electric power for our future plug-in hybrid and electric cars. Here the surprising answer.
Plug-in Hybrid serial production starts
Monday December 15th: BYD announces the start of the mass production of the plug-in hybrid car BYD F3DM. The sales price in China is $22.000 (15.000 EUR).
Geneva international motor show 2008
Geneva fair report. While Fisker is more for the rich people, BYD shows the big surprise on the Geneva car exhibition.
When the sun rises in the east, the stars dim
Driving with fossile cars becomes more and more a burden. High oil prices and the environment conscience encumber much. But 'Built Your Dreams' from China shows a solution.
Innoscooter 2500 Lithium electric scooter
First short test with an Innoscooter 2500 with 50 Ah lithium polymer battery- Ideal for all living distant from the next town in ''Without car impossible'' areas.
Hannover industrial fair 2008 hall 13
Fair report from hall 13 of the industrial fair Hannover about renewable energy and environment friendly mobility.
Solar mobility association
Compared to 2006 and 2007, the booth of the BSM has gained much size. This increase shows how necessary the change away from fossil mobility has become in the last year.
Fuel conversions
The crude oil age announces it's end with dramatic incrasing oil prices. We have to change to new types of fuel. A collection of calculators to understand the new types of fuel.
Area efficiency km per squaremeter
Food for fuel has consequences. Food prices increase. Food riots in many different countries. Is there enough area to refuel all our cars? Compare the area efficiency!.
Intersolar 2008 - the fuel fair for our future mobility
PEGE writes since 1991 about the linkage of solar electric power and mobility. Special part of our fair report about solar mobility Main part fair report Intersolar 2008
Scooter test 2008 top models in the 45km/h class
The latest top models from 2008 in the 45 km/h class are compared in our test: E-Max 110S against IO-Scooter Lithium.
Electric scooter 22% uphill
The mountain test awaited full of suspense Will the 191 kg heavy E-Max 110S make it up? How much faster will the lightweight IO-scooter up the montain?
Training for the driving license 125 ccm 11 kW motorcycles
Premiere September 26th at the driving security center Saalfelden. The traing for the B111 driving license upgrade (motorcycles up to 11 kW up to 125 ccm) with an electric scooter.
Premiere in the driving security center Brandlhof
For the first time, the driving license training for 11 kW 125 ccm motorcycles is completed on an electric scooters. Left the driving trainer Hannes, right Roland Mösl in a solar scooter sport.
Solar Scooter Sport Test
In the 45km/h limited class, electric scooters are state of art, now the first test with an electric scooter with L3E registration, this means the 125 ccm class up to 11 kW engine power.
SAMTC director Lobensommer
Already summer 1994, I talked with director Lobensommer about my dream with electric mobility and solar electric power. I asked at this time even to built the GEMINI house on the flat roof
Berlin electric vehicle conference
Germany projects only 1 million cars with electric drive until 2020. A little bit more than 2%. It's time that Germany awakes from the illusion to have eternal time.
Commuter vehicle
The next oil price explosion comes probable before electric cars are in sufficient numbers available. This 82km/h fast electric scooter with 5,5 kW power is a solution.
Greenpeace BMW Mini
1993, Robert Santner introduced the GEMINI house planned by PEGE to Greenpeace in Vienna. The energy speaker of Greenpeace anwered at this time: